Integrated Clinical
What is Integrated Clinical Somatics ?
Integrated Clinical Somatic Education with Karyn Clark teaches you how to reconnect with yourself and learn simple relaxing techniques. These allow you to take back control of chronically tense muscles that maybe contributing to your pain and limiting your movement options.
In the same way as learning to play a sport or musical instrument, when we repeat the same movement habits our body and brain also learn these patterns which can mean that, without realising, we hold patterns of tension or always move/sit/stand in the same way. Although these movements in themselves are not a problem, if they become a habit and limit other movement options it can lead to tension, restriction and become a contributory factor in pain.
Integrated Clinical is taught in 1:1 sessions with ‘hands-on’ work with the practitioner, focusing on the clients patterns of restricted movement. By helping the client to reconnect and sense themselves they can then learn how to take back conscious control of their muscles, releasing habitually contracted muscles, creating more freedom of movement and helping to eliminate associated pain.
Can Integrated Clinical Somatics help me?
Integrated Clinical Somatics goes to the root of most chronic muscular pain: the brain. The condition of chronically tight muscles can occur due to accidents, injuries, surgeries, and on-going physical and emotional stress on the body. These muscles have learned to remain unconsciously habitually contracted due to messages from your brain. It is the brain that controls the muscles, and therefore it must also be involved in the process of teaching them how to relax, release and learn to move easily and efficiently again.
Chronic muscular tension can lead to a wide range of different problems.
Integrated Clinical Somatics can help with a wide range of conditions including:
Joint and muscle pain
Neck, shoulder and back pain
Hip, knee and foot pain
Repetitive use injuries
Persistent pain from accidents & traumas
TMJ Dysfunction
Physical stress and tension.
Restricted movement & stiffness.
Benefits of Integrated Clinical Somatic include:
Long-term pain relief from many common muscle pain conditions.
Lifelong skills that teach you how to regain voluntary control of habitually tight muscles
Greater physical independence and mastery of your movement.
Increased flexibility, energy, coordination, balance and proprioception.
A safe, easy and common sense alternative to drugs and surgeries
What makes Clinical Somatics different to other ‘treatments’ and forms of pain relief?
Clinical Somatics is not a ‘treatment’, it is an education process in which the client is taught how to alleviate chronic muscle pain for themselves, unlike other forms of treatment in which the client receives passive therapy that is ‘done to them’ rather than them being involved in the process.
Many other forms of treatment including manual therapy, massage, acupuncture or even medication focus often on one specific area of pain and the symptoms. Clinical Somatic Education looks at working with the client holistically, understanding that pain is multifaceted, often caused by various aspects of someone’s physical, emotional and social wellbeing. Although Clinical Essential Somatics Education works primarily with the physical aspect addressing the patterns of muscular dysfunction within someone’s body, addressing emotional and social circumstances is also important as these can greatly affect someone’s physical wellbeing.
Although Clinical Somatic Education involves hands-on pandiculations with the client, this is to help provide greater guidance, feedback, and awareness to allow the client a deeper experience rather than being a passive therapy.
Clinical Essential Somatic Education not only teaches you Somatic Movements (pandiculations) to retrain your brain, but also teaches you to be aware of how physical and emotional stress affects your body, and how your body develops postural adaptations and habits. Clinical Essential Somatics refers to theses adaptive postures as full body stress reflex patterns that are reflective of typical responses to stress. These reflex patterns are known as Green Light Reflex (Landau), Red Light Reflex (Startle), and Trauma Reflex (Galant).
Our Services
Clinical 1:1 Sessions
1:1 Clinical Somatics sessions are the most effective way to regain muscle function and to improve your freedom of movement. Clinical Somatics sessions focus on addressing your particular patterns of habituated muscle tension and helping you to learn how to improve the pain and discomfort they may be causing you.
Online Classes
These classes take the same format as an in-person group class, with the same high level of teaching and eye to detail. Each class has a different focus, working through different stress reflex patterns and awareness.
In Person Workshops
In person workshops are small group sessions that are suitable for everyone and incorporate somatics movement and neuro-muscular reeducation techniques.
Key points about Clinical Somatics:
Clinical Somatics is ‘Education’ not treatment, and is active not passive.
It looks at the whole person holistically and addresses whole body movement patterns, know as ‘Stress Reflexes’.
It helps people to alleviate muscular pain caused by habituated muscular tension, referred to as ‘Sensory Motor Anmesia’ (SMA)
It uses ‘pandiculation’ as a method to re-educate the brain, and to restore muscle function, awareness and control.
To find out more:
To find out more about Clinical Somatics go to EVOLVE LIFE SOMATICS for further information about Clinical Session and Classes with Karyn Clark, as well as more Educational information.